  翻译记忆(TM)技术原理是这样的:用户利用已有的原文和译文,建立起一个或多个翻译记忆库(Translation Memory),在翻译过程中,系统将自动搜索翻译记忆库中相同或相似的翻译资源(如句子、段落),给出参考译文,使用户避免无谓的重复劳动,只需专注于新内容的翻译。翻译记忆库同时在后台不断学习和自动储存新的译文,变得越来越"聪明",效率越来越高。有了TM,你永远不必对同一句话翻译两遍!为什么那么多翻译公司使用翻译记忆库(TM)?翻译记忆库(TM)到底有哪些优势呢?
  客户的翻译记忆库是通过实际的项目不断累积而建立起来的。当发布新项目时,系统会将文件内容分成若干段落,与以往做过的项目进行比对,系统会自动分析出重复和高匹配内容,一般来讲匹配度在 75% 以上的内容会享有相应折扣,匹配度越高,折扣力度越大。
  使用翻译记忆库中存储的译文,可帮助企业规范术语词汇,把握语言风格和语气, 使公司不同时期的项目译文保持用语和风格的一致性,有利于公司品牌整体形象的塑造。
  语言资产(Language Asset)无论是产品相关还是市场以及日常运营相关,都是企业无形资产的一部分。高质量、实时更新的语言资产将是企业内容管理和传承的重要组成部分。尤其是当人员变动、管理方式调整之后,拥有高品质语言资产将有力的帮助工作的衔接。不少跨国企业深知其重要性,已经通过与专业本地化公司合作,逐步建立了“标准化”、“结构化”、“层次化”和“模块化”的语言资产,享受其“集中性”、“扩展性”、和“可追溯性”带来的便利、高效,节省了管理成本。
  Because the number of professional translation which relates to the field of translation data is huge, and the relatively narrow range, focus on one or a few professional, such as politics, economy, military, aerospace, computer, communications and other professional have their own professional translation company or department. This will inevitably lead to different degrees of repetition in translation materials. According to statistics, in different industries and departments, the repetition rate of this data reaches 20%~70%. This means that translators at least 20% of the work is unnecessary duplication of labor. Translation memory technology starts from here, first of all, is to eliminate the translator's repeated labor, so as to improve work efficiency.
  Translation memory (TM) technology principle is such that the user can use the existing text and its translation to establish one or more translation memory (Translation, Memory) in the process of translation, the system will automatically search for the translation of the same or similar translation resources (such as memory, sentence Duan Luo), given the. Users avoid wasteful duplication of effort, just focus on the new content of the translation. The translation memory library also keeps learning and storing new translations in the background. It becomes more and more "smart" and more efficient. With TM, you never have to translate the same sentence two times! Why do so many translation companies use the translation memory library (TM)? What are the advantages of the translation memory bank (TM)?
  1, save the total expenditure of translation
  More and more enterprises will choose a translation memory for the first time in the product localization, the biggest reason is the use of translation memory database can greatly save the cost of translation. Although there seems to be some contradiction, there is a saying: "the more your translation needs, the less money you spend.":
  The customer's translation memory database is built up through the continuous accumulation of actual projects. When the release of the new project, the system will be the contents of the file into several paragraphs, done with the previous project for comparison, the system will automatically analyze the repetition and high matching content, generally speaking, the content of the above 75% will enjoy the discount, the higher the degree of matching, the stronger the discount.
  2, to improve the quality of translation, and maintain the consistency of translation
  The use of storage in the translation memory, can help enterprises to standardize the vocabulary, grasp the language style and tone, consistent so that companies in different periods to maintain language and style of the translation project, to build the company's brand image.
  3, shorten the project delivery time
  In addition to saving translation costs and improving the quality of translation, translation memory can also shorten the time of project delivery. The more powerful the translation memory is, the less repeated work the interpreter needs to do. In the process of translation, translators can query and translate the contents of the memory database in real time. If the original content is consistent with the previous translation, will immediately recommend to the interpreter, a little mouse can be added to the office, and then adjusted according to different context before which the interpreter only need to put the time and effort in dealing with new content, can save a lot of work for translators.
  4. Standardize enterprise internal content management
  Language Asset is a part of enterprise intangible assets, whether it is product related or market and daily operation. High quality, real-time update of language assets will be an important part of enterprise content management and inheritance. Especially after personnel change, management mode adjustment, with high quality language assets will help to help the work of cohesion. Many multinational companies have been fully aware of the importance of cooperation with the professional localization company, and gradually establish a "standardized" and "structured", "hierarchical" and "modular" language assets, enjoy the "centralized" and "extension", and "traceability" to bring convenience and efficient save the management cost.