7 炼焦 Coking
  (1)焦化厂 Coking Plant
  柏油 road tar
  出焦 discharge of the coke
  初步冷却器 primary cooler
  堆聚式炼焦炉heap coke oven
  放焦台 coke side bench
  含磷量 phosphorus content
  含硫量sulphur content
  荒煤气 raw gas
  灰分 ash content
  挥发物 volatile matter
  混合煤槽mixing bins
  焦炭粒度coke size
  焦炭强度coke strength
  焦炭装运coke loading
  拦焦车 coke guide
  炼焦炉 coke oven; cokery
  炼焦用煤 coking( /metallurgic)coal
  凉焦台 coke loading bay( /wharf)
  煤仓 service bunker
  配煤 blending
  燃烧室 heating flue
  筛焦站 screening station
  碳化室 carbonization chamber
  推焦机 pusher ram; pusher
  熄焦 quenching
  熄焦站 quenching station
  蓄热室 regenerator
  冶金焦 metallurgical coke
  贮煤场 dumping of coking coal
  装料车 charging car
  (2)煤气加工 Coal Gas Processing
  储气器gas holder
  低压煤气总管 low-pressure gas main
  电除尘器 electrostatic precipitator
  电力脱焦油器electric tar catcher
  废水排出 waste water discharge
  高压煤总管 high-pressure gas main
  回收洗油车间 recovery plant for recovering the scrubbing agents焦油的分离 coal tar extraction
  冷却器和换热器脱苯debenzolizing by cooler and heat exchanger煤气表gas meter
  煤气冷却gas cooling
  煤气压缩机gas compressor
  脱苯 debenzoling
  脱硫 desulfurization
  洗涤器 scrubber
  洗涤油槽 scrubbing oil tank
  最终冷却器final cooler
  8.耐火材料 Refractories
  刚玉 corundum
  高岭土 kaolin
  高铝砖 high-alumina brick
  硅石 quartzite ; ganister
  硅砖 silica( /ganister)brick
  镁砖 magnesite( /magnesia)brick
  耐火材料 fireproof(/refractory) material; refractory耐火黏土 fireclay
  耐火水泥 refractory cement
  耐火砖 firebrick; refractory brick
  黏土砖 fireclay brick
  石墨砖 graphite brick
  水铝石 diaspore
  碳化硅砖(金刚砂砖)carborundum brick
  碳砖 carbon brick